Monday, September 15, 2008


Welcome to travel advisor -your one stop guide  for travel. 

The word "travel" originates from the Middle English word travailen ("to toil"), which comes from the French word travailler ("travail"). Travel is the change in location of people on a trip, or the process of time involved in a person or object moving from one location to another. Reasons for travel include:Tourism—travel for recreation. This may apply to the travel itself or the travel may just be the necessary investment to arrive at a desired location.
Visiting friends and family

But before planning to go for travel whether it may be at home abroad you must know the facts and figure of your destination. If you do not know the correct and accurate information your pleasure for travel may turn into an experience of oddity.

From this site you will be able to know the basic facts ,figures, interesting place to visit of many popular destinations around the world. 

So keep with us and be informed.   

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